Make Sure The Price Is Right With Quivers’ New Feature: Consumer-Based Pricing

Giving different consumers different price points can boost sales, foster brand loyalty and enhance profitability. Unfortunately, creating pro programs or setting up multiple storefronts takes time, and this often deters brands from offering different price points.
One of the basic rules of commerce is that you’ve got to make sure the price is right. But before you start thinking about game shows, remember you’re playing for real. For specialty brands, the difference between success and failure is often found in the smallest details.
The good news? With Quivers’ new feature, you don’t have to spin the wheel and leave anything up to chance. Consumer-Based Pricing empowers you to show shoppers the special pricing you’ve allocated them (and them only!) while they’re browsing your product pages.
Want to learn more? Come on down!
The Contestants
Who do you use Consumer-Based Pricing for? Well, for whoever you want! You can now showcase special prices to special consumers, pros and influencers, or even to your product designers and wholesale buyers.
Why We Made It
Let’s face it, some consumers hold more value for your business. And when over 60% of online shoppers worldwide consider pricing first when making an online buying decision, it’s essential to reward special consumers with special prices.
With Quivers VIP Stores and Quivers Ambassador Relationship Management, you have all the necessary tools to design, launch and track profitable pro programs. However, for those instances when you prefer a simpler approach, we've introduced Consumer-Based Pricing.
How It Works
Once they’ve logged in, shoppers belonging to specific consumer groups you've established will have access to their respective special prices displayed on your product pages. As long as their price type is lower than the default pricing of the storefront, they will see the corresponding price.
Previously, consumers had to wait until the checkout process to discover their discounts. However, with Consumer-Based Pricing, everything is transparent from the beginning, so shoppers know their price right from the start.
Why It’s Needed
Time is money. While launching pro and ambassador programs can be incredibly profitable, you might not want to spend valuable time creating and configuring different storefronts for every consumer group.
Thanks to Consumer-Based Pricing, you can now use a single storefront to allow consumers to buy at all different price points (for a given currency). This means you can essentially do private/VIP selling on your general consumer website.
How to Use It
Don’t worry, you don’t need to put a bid in — Consumer-Based Pricing is available to everyone using Quivers HoverCart. To get started, access Storefront Settings through the Admin Panel and toggle on “Enable Consumer-Based Pricing.”
Forget putting a bid in or spinning a wheel, Quivers is your brand’s surefire way to win big. For a demo of Consumer-Based Pricing, HoverCart, and the rest of Quivers’ Omnichannel Toolkit, contact us today.